
Category: Successes

Migrating Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Programs

Project Description The State of California Assembly Bill (AB) 102 and Assembly Bill (AB) 106 required the transfer of Medi-Cal functions from the Department of Mental Health (DMH) and the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). […]

Merging Systems for State and Federal Mass Transit Grant Programs

Project Description As funding programs emerged for mass transit, small systems were quickly constructed to meet the division’s new grant program responsibilities. Though each new application met a particular need, the utility of each was undercut by individual contractors’ lack of system documentation. Also, employees […]

Maintaining Confidentiality for Behavioral Health Services Claims

Project Description In the State of California, Medicaid claims for behavioral health services such as mental health, alcohol, and drug treatment are processed outside of the main Fee-for-Service system. The 25 year old legacy mainframe application operated on software that was no longer supported and […]

Consolidating Systems Across the State for Low-Income Energy Assistance

Project Description Over years of meeting the demands of operations that supported California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) programs and others, Local Service Providers (LSPs) developed internal processes, procedures, and supporting IT systems to conduct local business operations. As a result, detailed information […]

Automating Evaluation and Submittal Process for Emission Reducing Grant Program

Project Description Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) contracted with Trinity Technology Group to build an entirely new end‐to‐end solution with business rules and workflow management for online application submittal and evaluation. The new grants system accepts applications 24 hours a day and allows […]

Facilitating Patient and Physician Documentation and Review in California’s Correctional Facilities

Project Description The design of California’s Correctional Health Care Services’ (CCHCS) previous network was insufficient to meet business needs. The system, constituted by multiple databases, suffered from incomplete data and data corruption, breakdowns, and other issues. TrinityTG responded with a highly personalized and efficient solution. […]

Providing Up-to-the-Minute Data with a Reengineered System

Project Description The original CalPERS Backbridge solution worked reasonably well, but it had three main imperfections: legacy programs did not have access to up-to-the-minute data; record deletions were not applied correctly to the VSAM file; and supporting this infrastructure incurred significant costs due to data […]