Geospatial Analysis (GIS)
Not all data is easily consumed in tables and pie charts. Visually being able to explore coordinates, maps, terrain, and elevation can bring insights that no other consumption method can. Whether as a standalone project, part of a larger business intelligence effort, or as an integration into a transaction system, our Geospatial Analysis services will help you wrangle and master your GIS data.
Esri Implementation and Support
TrinityTG has experience in managing, maintaining and implementing all Esri Suites of products including the latest version of ArcGIS Server. We have delivered the following Esri-focused services throughout the State of California.
- Installation and configuration of ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Desktop.
- Installation and configuration of ArcSDE in Oracle and SQL Server.
- Design and implementation of online applications using ASP.NET, Flex, JavaScript, Esri ArcGIS Server API and other common online mapping technology such as Google Earth or Virtual Earth.
- Design and Development of GIS Web Services using ArcObjects.
- Design and Development ArcGIS Mapping Applications
- Design and Implementation of GIS applications in iOS and Android environments utilizing the ArcGIS Mobile SDK.
- Ability to analyze and report on complicated datasets using tools such as Query Analyzer, Microsoft Access, and SQL Reporting Services.
- Design and development of customized GIS/GPS field tool applications.
GIS Needs Assessment
GIS needs assessment is the first step to achieve successful GIS Implementation for any organization. A Needs Assessment is a methodological understanding of each department and workgroup, for their GIS business process and the spatial data needed to carry out their work.
This assessment is required if GIS is adopted throughout the organization. Without a complete needs assessment, each department might proceed to adopt their own system and database which may or may not be compatible with those of another department. The largest benefit of adopting GIS is realizing efficiencies from common groups of “base data” and the sharing of data, services and application features among departments.
We have expertise and skills to facilitate a GIS Needs Assessment. During this process, we conduct interviews among stakeholders and Business owners within various departments. We use the process to understand their existing spatial data, infrastructure, and application environments. After the end of this process we provide a comprehensive report on:
- GIS Applications to be developed,
- GIS Functions required,
- Existing Spatial Data and required GIS data for Geo-Database,
- What are the systems to be integrated to GIS,
- Available infrastructure and required Infrastructure,
- Maintenance Procedure, and
- Outline of budget.
GIS Requirement Gathering and Analysis
During this phase, we understand and transform the GIS Business process to a technical Scope. We follow industry standard best practices for top-down, bottom-up, or mixed requirement gathering and analysis:
- In top-down approach, we gather requirements from higher management followed by end users.
- In bottom-up approach we gather requirements from end users followed by higher management.
We try to meet each and every user and gather the requirements. If the requirements gathering requires involving a large number of end users with various departments; we will arrange requirements gathering workshops and meetings.
We prepare a detailed requirements specification document outlining user needs and project requirements.
We have a reputation of providing the most importance to the requirements gathering phase; as the correct requirement leads to a clean design, and a subsequent successful implementation.
Geo-Database Design
Geo-Database design involves organizing geographic information into a series of data themes — layers that can be integrated using geographic location. It follows that Geo-Database design begins by identifying the data themes to be used, then specifying the contents and representations of each thematic layer by defining:
- How the geographic features are to be represented for each theme (for example, as points, lines, polygons, or raster data) along with their tabular attributes;
- How the data is organized into datasets (feature classes, attributes, raster datasets, etc.); and
- What additional spatial and database elements will be needed for integrity rules, for implementing rich GIS behavior (such as topologies, networks, and raster catalogs), and for defining spatial and attribute relationships between dataset.
Geo-Database design is based on a common set of fundamental GIS design steps, so it is important to have a basic understanding of these GIS design goals and methods. We have successfully designed the Geo-Database for our clients in the State of California. We follow this design on new GIS data models or template data models provided by Esri.
We always prefer to prototype and pilot your Geo-Database. Prototyping a design using file, personal, or ArcSDE personal Geo-Databases with ArcGIS Desktop allows us to know our design is robust and going to work in a real environment. We carry out Geo-Database design using UML, Geo-Database Designer and Geo-Database Diagrammer. We have considerable experience in Spatial Database Design in ArcSDE with backend Oracle and SQL databases.
During this phase of the GIS Service we provide the following deliverables:
- Geo-Database Schema in UML and XML format,
- Geo-Database Design document, and
- Implementation Procedures.
Geo-Database Management
The broad aspect of Geo-Database management includes but not limited to:
- Geo-Database Architecture,
- Creating Geo-Database,
- Creating Data Management Workflows, and
- Administering ArcSDE Geo-Databases.
We provide professional services in Geo-database Design. There are three types of Geo-databases namely File Geo-Databases (FGDB), Personal Geo-Databases (PGDB), and ArcSDE Geo-Databases. ArcSDE Geo-Database uses relational databases (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Informix, PostgresSQL) in the backend. During the Geo-database Architecting phase we will choose the best type required for your business process. Choosing the best Geo-Database type is very important for any GIS Implementation.
During the create Geo-Database phase; we create a new empty Geo-Database (GDB), and then add new datasets to the Geo-Database by defining their schema and properties and subsequently adding contents to each new dataset. The complexities and effort depends upon the chosen type of Geo- Database. For Instance creating PGDB and FGDB involves creating on disk. This is a simple, straightforward process that is performed by using ArcCatalog or geoprocessing tools, while creating an ArcSDE Geo-Database will require a connection to an underline RDBMS with proper permission.
The typical life cycle of the GIS data management workflow starts from loading initial data followed by editing and maintaining the same. During the editing and maintenance phase, existing data is modified and new data is added to the database as required. Edits are made against the database corresponding to application-defined units of work or transactions such as the addition of a new sewer or an update to a parcel boundary. The editing and data maintenance phase can also include incremental data loading, which further expands the boundaries of the database. Such incremental data loading may occur when a company acquires new territories or when the spatial extent of a study area expands.
Under GIS data management services, we provide consulting and professional services on Geo-Database Versioning and Distributed Geo-Databases. Our GIS Team has extensive expertise on both the technologies. Versioning allows multi user edit on a Single Database with proper user and role access.
We provide services in setting up a Version Database, creating various versions for different departmental users and groups and finally provide procedures and steps to reconcile the post-version database to the master database. Distributed Geo-Databases are used for projects that require two or more distant offices to work on the same data. Each office requires a local access to the database, and so creates a copy of the database. When a change is made to the data in one location, the change must also be applied to the data in the other location. To keep the copies of the databases synchronized, the sites can transfer changes between each other on a scheduled basis. This capability is referred to as Geo-Database replication.
Move Your Idea Forward
TrinityTG has been developing solutions to deliver integrated data to businesses exactly when it’s needed, whether it is in batch, near real time, or real time. With a spectrum of increasingly advanced analytics, from basic reports to predictive modeling, users can analyze and visualize data across multiple dimensions. Keeping this in mind, TrinityTG has been providing a modern, simplified, and interactive approach. This empowers business users to access, discover, and blend all types and sizes of data.